Holy Basil (Tulsi)


Fun facts:

  • Tulsi or holy basil has hundreds of medicinal values and it is said that no disease visit a house, which has Tulsi plant at its doorstep.
  • Chewing of few leaves of Tulsi destroys the poisons that are responsible for malaria disease.😲
  • The fragrant qualities of Tulsi have been described in detail in almost all scriptures. Tulsi is surely considered and occupy the topmost position among plants. It is also largely used to flavour items of food and drink.🌹
  • Tulsi improves the efficiency of all the organs of the body in a natural way and thus helps in the cure of diseases.


How to take:

Supplements of holy basil extract are available in pill or capsule form. The suggested dosage ranges from 300 mg to 2,000 mg per day for general preventive purposes. When used as a treatment, the recommended dosage is 600 mg to 1,800 mg taken in multiple doses throughout the day. All parts of the plant could be utilized in supplements and topical ointments. Essential oil of holy basil is distilled from leaves and flowers of the plant. You can also make holy basil tea using the leaves, flowers, or dried leaf powder. The herb also can be wont to make freshly brewed tea by placing 2–3 teaspoons of holy basil during a cup of boiling water and letting it steep for 5–6 minutes. The leaves also are commonly utilized in cooking, though some people eat the leaves raw. Holy basil tastes spicy and bitter.




Bharati Vidyapeeth Campus, Dhankawadi, Pune, Maharashtra 411043


+91 9369778710

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